Childcare : why choose daycare? 

When the time comes to choose a type of childcare for their child, many parents ask themselves the following question: why choose a daycare? Socialization, developpement or even safety, this type of childcare can be an ideal option for you and your child, because it offers many advantages and can meet your needs. 

crèche les petits chaperons rouges

What are the advantages of daycare?  

In France, the range of childcare options is very diverse: it may be individual (nanny, childminder, etc.) or collective (nursery, daycare, etc.). To guide your choice of childcare method, you will need to consider a set of criteria: 

  • Your child’s well-being: what type of childcare will suit them best? 
  • Your working hours: fixed or variable schedule, frequent travel, atypical schedules, etc. 
  • Your daily commute time 
  • Your budget 
  • Your educational choices… 

Daycare offers quality care which contributes to the good development of children and prepares them for society while meeting the constraints of families. 

The daycare: a service adapted to the professional constraints of parents 

The daycare offers different types of care adapted to everyone’s needs: regular care from 1 to 5 days per week according to a schedule planned in advance; occasional care planned in advance; emergency care to deal with an unforeseen event in the child’s usual care arrangements. 

enfant souriant en crèche

Some daycare, particularly private daycare, offer a service adapted to specific professional constraints: variable schedules may be possible for parents subject to changing schedules, some structures also offer care over extended hours (from 6 a.m. and until at 10 p.m. for example) or atypical hours (at night, on weekends, etc.). 

The least expensive type of care 

The cost of the daycare spots is regulated by the CNAF (National family allowance fund). All  centers approved by CAF (Family allowance fund) offer the same pricing. It varies for each family according to the family coefficient, which takes into account in particular the household income and dependents within the household. To estimate the price of your place in a multi-reception crèche, do not hesitate to consult our online calculator. 

In addition, parents define a reception schedule tailored to their needs. They only pay for the hours corresponding to this schedule and possibly for the hours of occasional overruns. 

Finally, the cost of the place in the crèche includes meals, milk, diapers and care products. 

Security in daycare 

At the daycare, everything is in place to welcome young children in complete safety. In our daycare, safety is ensured by: 

aménagement crèche les petits chaperons rouges

The layout and hygiene of the space: the infrastructure of a daycare is suitable for babies and older children 

jouet en crèche

The choice of furniture and toys is thoughtful and meets European and French safety standards 

professionnelle en crèche avec une enfant

Supervised by professionals trained for key moments of the day (reception, changing/care, administration of medications, sleep monitoring, etc.), supervised by protocols and written rules. 

Premises and equipment adapted to the daycare 

Each child discovers, manipulates and explores his environment. He needs to discover different and renewed spaces. Choosing a daycare means choosing a type of childcare that offers:  

  • An environment that meets the needs of children 
  • An evolving layout that takes into account each person’s stage of development 
  • Clear and distinct spaces, which meet the different fundamental needs of young children (calm space, development play area, motor skills spaces, etc.) 

A team trained and qualified in early childhood  

In each of our daycares, everyone in the team is an expert in early childhood and can answer parents’ questions or doubts. 

  • The daycare offers each young child the support of a complementary and multidisciplinary team trained in early childhood. Educators, early childhood or childcare assistants, psychomotor therapists, psychologists, doctors, childcare workers or even nurses can make up our team. Their shared views on the development of the children in their care make it possible to adapt practices as closely as possible to the needs of each individual. 
  • Contact with the team allows the child to develop relationships according to their affinities, depending on the moments and activities implemented throughout the day 
  • Multiple attachment relationships broaden the first bonds of affection in the family sphere. 

At the start, we offer families a period of adaptation (also called familiarization) to gently support their arrival in the daycare. 

Adapted developpement suggestions 

In our daycares, the activities available to babies and older children are varied and adapted to their stage of development. They mobilize language, sensory awareness, motor skills, fine motor skills and even proprioception (perception of one’s body in space) and aim to create pleasure in the child. 

petite fille en crèche qui peint

Messy Play activities: semolina, earth, water games, arts… Often messy and difficult to set up at home, these sensory activities are nevertheless necessary for the child’s development. 

activité crèche

Roleplay spaces, where the baby can have fun pretending, reproducing observed acts and making them their own by staging them: doll games, merchant games, handyman workbench, car games on a drawing board. road or even knight games in a besieged castle 

Respecting each child’s rhythm 

Each child develops at their own pace. The daycare team respects the needs of each child: 

  • Respect of primary rhythms (sleep, hunger, etc.), 
  • Respect for each person’s stage of development (encouragement, adaptation of instructions so that there is no failure in effort and play). The day at the daycare offers many rituals that allow everyone to recharge their batteries and feel confident. 

The daycare: meetings, interactions and first friendships 

Before the age of social games, the daycare offers toddlers the opportunity to: 

  • Meet other babies and children their age 
  • To imitate children their age or older 
  • To interact with others, to develop their communication skills and their language 
  • Manage their emotions, learn the frustration of sharing, develop their autonomy, encourage responsibility… 
  • The daycare also offers social rules different from those known at home, the opportunity to understand how to live in society and respect a framework. 

2 reasons to choose daycare 

A recent study* present daycare as the best: 

professionnel en crèche qui s'amuse avec un enfant

On an emotional level (assessment of empathy, sense of sharing, attention and concentration). 

enfants s'amusant dans une crèche collective Les Petits Chaperons Rouges

On the relational and behavioral level (quality social interactions, self-esteem, social rule and facilitated socialization). 

*source Inserm : 

petite fille en crèche
enfant et une pro en crèche
Pourquoi choisir la crèche ?

Les rythmes de garde

enfant en crèche
Les atouts de nos crèches

Notre projet éducatif et pédagogique

petite fille qui mange en crèche
Les atouts de nos crèches

L’alimentation dans nos crèches